Friday, February 24, 2012

doggie week

1. Dakota sitting pretty & crossing his legs

2.  Dalmatian/lab mix doggie at a trade show for fire men I went to this past week (look at the red hot nails!)

3. Sleeping puppy at a pet store in the mall. He was a clearance puppy!!! :(

4. Bored puppy...

5. Sleepy puppy!


  1. whoa! nail polish on a dog! is that ok? it's actually kinda cute. haha

    the dog at the mall looks totally knocked out.

    i still can't wait to meet dakota someday!!

  2. Thanks for commenting on our post sammy!! We had no idea you had a blog! it's so adorable, we love it ! Dakota is such a cutie! If you haven't joined our site, please do!!! thank you <3

    <3 Melody & Jessica
